Hello. This is Rev. Dr. Trinity. Last month began the “Year of the Fire Rooster” according to the Lunar Calendar. The rooster crows to wake-up everyone because the rooster tends to the roost (the home) and the flock (the people) who live here. It is a time to take charge of what you can, “Find […]
new moon meditation
Women’s March-Awakening Inner Genius
Hello. This is Rev. Dr. Trinity celebrating the the first New Moon in January. As I said last month, the Sun, Moon and all the constellations in the Universe influencing our Earth, have brought us to a new global cycle. A “Year of ONE.” 2017 is a new beginning for all of us. The entire […]
Wisdom of One
Hello, this is Rev. Dr. Trinity. December 29th is the last New Moon for 2016. Today the Sun and Moon have created a master communication portal to the universe to help us let go of the global 9 year cycle that started in 2008 and will end on December 31st 2016. It is getting us […]
Happiness Path
Hello, this is Rev. Dr. Trinity, With this month, December, we both start the month and close the year with the Happiness Path, the knowledge that IF YOU CHOOSE A DIFFERENT PATH, YOU WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT OUTCOME. According to the ancient Hindu system of Chakras, there are 7 major chakras, or energy centers, throughout […]
New Moon 6th Chakra Meditation
Today’s 6th chakra new moon meditation is helping you to Choose To Go Beyond Survival. Today’s new moon is inspiring you to: Birth new ideas and take action Balance your life by living your truth Bring love and light to your relationships With the heat of the summer behind you, you opened yourselves to the […]
2nd Chaka Healing Mediation
You’re listening to Inner Spirit Healing Talks, words to help our family of enlightened seekers, offered to you every new moon. New Moon Meditations is a time to set your intentions with the support of the new moon. In this audio, Rev. Dr. Trinity will guide you through a self-healing meditation for the 2nd chakra […]
July 4th New Moon Self Healing Meditation
July 4th, a time of celebration! It is time to breakthrough, be free and celebrate life! Learn how to celebrate your life today with Inner Beauty Healing’s New Moon Meditation with Rev. Dr. Trinity. Our new moon monthly podcast teaches you an alternative holistic healing methods with guided meditations. Today’s podcast is a self healing […]
4th Chakra Healing Meditation
Rev. Dr. Trinity explains the “How to Safely Open Your Heart,” through guided self healing meditation for body, mind and spirit. Learn how to heal your grief and inner sorrows of the heart by clearing your 4th chakra, the energy software for unconditional love.
Mother’s Day Intentions
“Thank you Mom for our foundation and growth” Setting our intentions for May’s new moon. Our mom passed away 2 years ago on her 93rd birth day. We celebrate her life and all mothers with this guided meditation of gratitude. We invite you to join us on this audio, to send your moon wishes to […]