
March 18, 2022 Virgo Full Moon: Gracing Peace & Compassion

Hi there. Francesca here from InnerBeautyHealing.US with the Global Energy forecast for the Virgo Full Moon on March 18, 2022.

This is the moon of Gracing Peace & Compassion. When you view the current events, this is a quite favorable shining light.

In the Gene Keys, the Moon is in Gene Key 6. This is the light of:

  • Peace
  • Diplomacy
  • Conflict

The Sun is in the Gene Key 36. This is the light of:

  • Compassion
  • Humanity
  • Turbulence

Jupiter is expanding and moving forward the light with Gene Key 22. This is the light of:

  • Grace
  • Graciousness
  • Dishonor

At the same time, Mercury is pushing the mind with Gene Key 63. This is the gate of

  • Truth
  • Inquiry
  • Doubt

This Virgo full moon on March 18, 2022, is about expanding graciousness. It is pushing and expanding the grace of peace and compassion.

Why? For humanity and diplomacy. It is lighting the way so humanity can let go of turbulence, let go of conflict, let go of dishonor.


It is through the path of the mind. The path that allows the mind to stop doubting the truth, stop doubting that you can create your peace and stop doubting that the world and humanity is not compassionate.

How do you do this?

Ask yourself the questions that really take you to the truth of the heart. This is the truth of the mother that is grounded in love, nurturing, and healing, yourself, others, and the world around you.

Now if you want to know more about the cosmic flow of the current social changes,

Register for our Cosmic NewsCast, CNC seminar

2nd Thursday @ 6-6:30 pm PDT

Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2022.

Sending much Light & Love,



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