April 8, 2024 Aries Solar Eclipse: Open To

April 8, 2024 Aries New Moon: Open To

Happy 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon!

This is the Solar Eclipse of Open To!

It is about  being:

  • Open To your inner shadows and healing them.
  • Open To communicating with your intuition and detaching from dependence on the intellect of the mind.
  • Open To awakening the gentle person inside.

Read on to learn how.🌟

Francesca Ordona HollingsworthHi there, Francesca here from Inner Beauty Healing with the Global Energy Forecast using the divination arts of Astrology, Numerology, Human Design and the Gene Keys to help you build your prosperity.

On April 8, 2024 is the Total Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon of Open To.

You ask, “Open To” what?

Well let’s take a look.

In Numerology this is a 20/2 Universal Day.

  • 20 is about following your passion and being divinely protected. One of the gifts of 20 is connection to the collective unconsciousness and as a result having strong skills in communications.
  • 2 is the number of service using the tool of communications for relationships. This brings the compassionate heart energies of  receptivity, imagination, empathy, and gentleness.

In Astronomy: The Solar Eclipse is when the Moon moves into the light of the Sun causing the light to darken.

In Astrology:  The Sun is in Aries the Warrior, Pioneer, the Initiator.

In Human Design the Sun (Ego) and the Moon are “Arousing” in the “Gate of  Shock” emitting the energy of “Symmetry.” This is a gate into the Heart, giving access to the power of The Will.

In the Gene Keys: The key line is 5, meaning the theme is being expressed through the lens of Fixing with the direction towards the Projection of and in Power.

The Sun (Ego), Moon (Emotions), North Node (where you are headed) and Chiron (Wounded Healer)  are in Gene Key #51. The light it is sharing is:

  • Awakening
  • Initiative
  • Agitation

Sun, Moon, North Node and Chiron are opposing the South Node (What you are familiar with) in Gene Key #57. The light it is sharing is:

  • Clarity
  • Intuition
  • Unease

Sun, Moon, North Node and Chiron are sitting near Mercury (Mind) in Gene Key #42. The light it is sharing is:

  • Celebration
  • Detachment
  • Expectation

What does this mean to you? How is this Solar Eclipse Aries New Moon going to help you?

The Aries Solar Eclipse is planting the seeds that will grow deep roots for progression through detaching from the shadows of the mind.

With this Aries Solar Eclipse my Soul’s Message is that this is about being Open To Awakening. It offers you a powerful time to create change within the shadow and light through the tools of inquiry and truth. This is an opening to communicate with your strength, independence, and freedom.

This is the arousing of Soul’s Purpose. It is awakening the Ego and Emotions to follow the passion and the will of the heart. The question is are you Open To it?

🌟 For further info: Watch the April 8, 2024 Solare Eclipse Aries New Moon – Open To.

🌟  Click Here to our Moon Meditation & Commentary Podcast

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Step into the year ahead with confidence, inner beauty, and the power to shape your destiny. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2024.

Sending much Light & Love,


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