5-22-2020 SIP-Self-Assuredness in Presence

May 22, 2020 Gemini New Moon – SIP: Self-Assuredness In Presence

Welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s astrology forecast for May 22, 2020, Gemini New Moon – SIP: Self-Assuredness In Presence. Let me start by telling you a story. This is the story you have in your head, the voices of your Mind and Spirit in your head. It is . . .

Beauty-The Inside Story – “SIP: Self-Assuredness in Presence”

“How has sheltering in place changed me,” asked Clasey?

“Well, you don’t like shopping no more, ’cause you got to wear a mask, ’cause you know, you might just catch the C-word,” replied Mind. “And you gotta be careful about touching your friends because you know, you just might catch the C-word,” added Mind. And . . .

“Ok, ok, Mind. No more chattering. When I listen to you, you make me go crazy. There must be another side to this. Voice, what do you got to say?” asked Clasey.

“Clasey, the Universe has given you a change, a SIP, a global time out. When you listen to Mind chatter, it just makes you go crazy. When you listen to your Heart, it leads you to your Natural Graciousness and you change through Inspiration, Invention and Farsighted Realism. This is the path to “SIP: Self-Assuredness in Presence.”


Are you ready for SIP: Self-Assuredness in Presence?

CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation

Now, let me begin by explaining to you how to use your Cosmic Compass to walk your Prosperity Path with this upcoming May 22nd Gemini New Moon of 2020.

(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one, this is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one – but want one, contact me a Francesca@InnerBeautyHealing.US and we’ll see what we can do.)

Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.

What kind of Gemini New Moon light are you getting on May 22nd? It is the light of:

SIP: Self-Assuredness in Presence

The last full moon was about life and death to orient you to a new way of being to bring global peace. This Gemini New Moon is about the message, your message. How to communicate, relate and be an Architect of Peace.

CLICK to get insights on May 22, 2020, Gemini New Moon Forecast

Astro-Numerology for May 22, 2020 is, it’s a:

  • 4 Day + 5 Month + a 4 year – this brings it to a Universal 13 Day, a day of Genius Focus & Stability
  • Moon and Sun are in Gemini, the Thinker at 2°
  • The Sun & Moon are pointing nicely to Jupiter at 27° in Capricorn & Saturn in Aquarius at 1°
  • Mercury & Venus are in Gemini at 20° and they are pointing with tension to Neptune in Pisces at 20°
  • Mars is in Pisces at 6° pointing nicely to Uranus in Taurus at 8°

What does this mean to you? What is the Gemini New Moon going to do for you?

It can:

  1. Bring you Self-Assuredness
  2. Break through your block by taking action towards Invention
  3. Bring you the Power of Presence

This Gemini New Moon is here to show you the inside story of SIP: Self-Assuredness in Presence by helping you create Communion, inside and out, by powerful beneficial communications.

We are now in a Reflection Period. What is a Reflection Period? A time to revisit, reflect, rewrite your life stories. The stories you play in your head. The stories you live out in your life. This Reflection Period began last week with the 3 retrogrades of Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter.

  • Saturn asks, How do you create stability? What are your responsibilities? What rules will you live by?
  • Venus asks, What do you value and love? What is your relationship with money and your financial flow?
  • Jupiter asks, How do you expand? What is your abundance?

This Gemini New Moon is a master thinker, communicator and messenger to help you reflect on these questions. Why? So, you can come to terms with your current issues in life.

I want to share with you an issue I have personally reflected upon. This is an issue, and whether I liked it or not, I had to deeply look at it. It is Transcending Asian Violence. This is part of my COVID-19 Energy Help video series. It is “Why COVID-19 an Astrology Perspective: Transcending Asian Violence.” You can find it online on Youtube, Vimeo, this link https://youtu.be/1bygC3lkCQc or CLICK the image below to watch now. 

Now together, let us take a deep SIP of “Self-Assuredness in Presence” with my three Prosperity Tips for May 22, 2020, Gemini New Full Moon.

Prosperity Path Tip to SIP:

  1. Self-Assuredness – If you are stuck in the Superficiality and Self-Obsession of the Mind’s chatter, you cannot benefit from the gift of Self-Assuredness. Your Mind will be Dominated and Addicted to Weakness. To breakthrough choose the energy of . . .
  2. Invention & Inspiration – This will uplift your Heart energy so you can move beyond the veil of Limitations. This can connect you to your inner Being that brings Silence to the Mind’s chatter and freedom to shine with your . . .
  3. Presence – And SIP the Graces of life.

As I said at the beginning, I help heal emotional blocks that stop you from prosperity. I do this in the area of business, personal grown, and presence. How it works is for you to know you, your story, your inner story. If you would like help to translate Your Inner Story which can help you navigate with COVID-19, you can start by scheduling a 1:1 Your Story Astro-Numerology session. This is an Astrology & Numerology session all rolled up into one. Because of COVID -19, I am recommending the 45-minute Your Complete Story session which I am giving a 50% discount for a limited time only. Use coupon AWAKE in all caps in the redeem window when scheduling. Go to our website at www.InnerBeautyHealing.us



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