3-13-2021 Courageously Creating with Compassion

March 13, 2021 Pisces New Moon: Courageously Creating with Compassion

Welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s astrology forecast for March 13, 2021 Pisces New Moon – Courageously Creating with Compassion.

Let me start by telling you a story. This is the story you have in your head, the voices of your mind and spirit in your head. It is. . .

Beauty, The Inside Story – “Courageously Creating with Compassion”

Guess what?” asked Clasey.

“What?” asked Mind.

“What?” asked Voice.

“I’m stepping out! I’m creating with my heart,” said Clasey.

“Aww shucks. Does that mean . . .”

“Oh no Mind. You got the wrong idea. I’m not shutting you out. We’re absolutely playing together. I just realized I’d been excluding Heart. I don’t know how it happened but sometime along the way, I lost Heart,” said Clasey.

“Clasey, that’s really sad. I’m so sorry,” said Mind. 

“Me too,” replied Clasey.

“Me three,” chimed in Voice. 


Are you ready to step out and Courageously Create with Compassion? I hope so because it makes life so much more fun and adventurous.

CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation

Now, let me explain how to walk your Prosperity Path with this upcoming March 13, Pisces New Moon, the first Pisces New Moon of the new era, the Age of Aquarius.

(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one, this is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one – but want one, contact me a Francesca@InnerBeautyHealing.US and we’ll see what we can do.)

Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.

What kind of Pisces New Moon light are you getting on March 13? It is the “Courageously Creating with Compassion” light.

This Pisces New Moon gives you for the sixth time the Royal Star of the Lion courage to seek your truth and awaken your inner spirit.

CLICK to get insights on March 13.,2021,  Pisces New Moon Forecast

Astro-Numerology for March 13, 2021 is:

  • It is a 4 Day + 3 Month + a 5 year = a Universal 12 Day, a day for creativity and self-expression for the Eternal Student.
  • Sun and Moon, your ego and emotions, are together at 23°(the courageous Royal Star of the Lion number), in Pisces, the sign of the Dreamer, sending you the key frequency of Turbulence at the fear vibration, Humanity at the gift vibration and Compassion at the highest vibration.
  • Working with the Sun & Moon are Neptune of dreams at 20° (the number of powerful communications) and Venus of values at 19° (the number of initiation) in Pisces sending you the key frequency of Dishonor at the fear vibration, Graciousness at the gift vibration and Grace at the highest vibration.
  • The Sun and Moon are pointing nicely to Pluto for powerful transformation at 26° (the number of empowerment) in Capricorn the Builder, sending you the key frequency of Psychosis at the fear vibration, Inspiration at the gift vibration and Sanctity at the highest vibration.
  • Making a fortunate triangle are Saturn of responsibility at 9° (the number of the Humanitarian) in Aquarius the Revolutionary, sending you the key frequency of Co-dependence at the fear vibration, Sensitivity at the gift vibration and Sacrifice at the highest vibration.
  • Saturn points nicely to Mars of action at 5° (the number of freedom) in Gemini the Thinker, sending you the key frequency of Superficiality at the fear vibration, Self-Assuredness at the gift vibration and Presence at the highest vibration.
  • They both point nicely to Chiron the Wounded Healer at 7° (the number of intuitive insight) in Aries the Warrior, sending you the key frequency of Opinion at the fear vibration, Farsightedness at the gift vibration and Omniscience at the highest vibration.
  • And one of the defining transits of the year is Saturn of responsibility pointing with tension to Uranus the jail breaker at 8° (the number of empowerment) in Taurus the Sensualist sending you the key frequency of Addiction at the fear vibration, Invention at the gift vibration and Silence highest vibration.

What does this mean to you? What is the Pisces New Moon going to do for you?

The Piscean signature of light will help you build a world that comes from the truth of your inspirations, your higher spiritual self — not a self that is lost in the turbulence of fear. How?

It can:

  • Heal addictive wounds
  • Liberate your dreams
  • Transform them into your Heaven on Earth

If you saw my Global Energy Forecast Calendar under my FREE Resource tab, you will know that:

  • January’s light signature was Honorable Leadership.
  • February’s light signature was Discerning Fantasy, Realism and Sacrifice.
  • Now we have entered March For Freedom, Heal Judgement with Tenderness.

March 2021 is taking you through that path of:

  • Truth, so your truth will set you free
  • Bathing you in the Grace of your Dreams so you can powerfully transform
  • Healing inner wounds so you can be Courageously Creating with Compassion


March Global Energy Forecast Calendar

March Forecast Calendar 2021

FREE webinar: Understanding Aries 3/20/2021 @ 12 Noon PST CLICK to REGISTER

This Pisces New Moon on March 13th, is telling you not to dishonor your dreams and plant the seed of your intentions and use the process of Courageously Creating  with Compassion.

In today’s story Clasey had excluded Heart but once realized, Clasey accepted, understood and forgave. Then courage and empowerment returned.

Here is the basic signature for this 2021 Virgo Full Moon with the Prosperity tips to

  • Heal addictive wounds
  • Liberate your dreams
  • Transform them into your Heaven on Earth

Prosperity Path Tips:

The stars above are sending the light signature to:

  1. Take the initiative to see life through the lens of humanity and courageously create with compassion to manifest your dreams.
  2. Consciously let go of dishonoring your dreams.
  3. With your humanitarian values communicate with graciousness.
  4. Realize that turbulence is the global fear frequency, so guard against getting entangled.
  5. To powerfully transform into living your Heaven on Earth, build with your inspiration. Do this by communicating and nurturing what empowers you.
  6. To break through to being empowered, realizing you are responsible for your addictive thoughts. Use sensitivity and invention to re-evolve with unconditional love.
  7. It is available for you to heal the wounds of opinion and judgement by using your farsighted intuitive insight and taking action to free yourself from superficiality. This will build the structure for self-assuredness.

Has this energy forecast helped you?

I hope so and please share it with a friend because they may need the help too. If you liked this signup for my Free Crystal Membership where you will receive my weekly global energy forecast for FREE as well as lots of special info that I only share with my members.

And if you want to know more about how the energy for the entire year Is flowing. You can CLICK HERE for my yearly Prosperity Path 2021 energy forecast!

Prosperity Path

PROSPERITY PATH 2021 is the Energy Forecast that explains the 2021 direction.

It gives you The Age of Aquarius:

  • Global Energy Astrology, Numerology and Gene Keys Forecast
  • 2021 Power Words & The 2021 Aquarius Code
  • 2-hour video
  • Summary & Calendar at a Glance


  • CLARITY, you have a Calendar at a Glance to plan ahead
  • CONFIDENCE, you have a map for direction
  • COURAGE, you have a guide that aligns you with the Divine

Be Well & Prosper for this Glorious 2021

Much Light & Love


FREE Crystal Membership receive weekly Global Energy Forecast & New & Full Moon Prosperity Tips

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