8-8-2021 Create Forgiving Guidance

August 8, 2021 Leo New Moon: Create Forgiving Guidance

Welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s astrology forecast for August 8, 2021 Leo New Moon – Create Forgiving Guidance. 

Let me start by telling you a story. This is the story you have in your head, the voices of your mind, heart and spirit in your head. It is . . .

Beauty, The Inside Story – “Create Forgiving Guidance”

“What was that you said?” asked Clasey.

“I’ve been guiding you the wrong way all this time,” wailed Mind.

“There, there Mind. There is no way you can do that,” said Heart, compassionately.

“Heart is correct,” replied Voice. “In Life, there is no wrong way. Life does not judge. Life IS. So all is always forgiven,” explained Voice.

“Mind, I love you,” said Clasey. “How can I not. I am you, you are me and I love me. I love us. I understand where I was, you were, we were. All is forgiven,” said Clasey.


Are you ready to Create Forgiving Guidance?

CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation

Now, let me explain how to walk your Prosperity Path with this upcoming August 8, Leo New Moon, the first Leo New Moon of the new era, the Age of Aquarius.

(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one, this is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one – but want one, contact me a Francesca@InnerBeautyHealing.US and we’ll see what we can do.)

Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.

What kind of Leo New Moon light are you getting on August 8th? It is: “Create Forgiving Guidance.”

This Leo New Moon signature of light will help you create the guiding light of forgiveness. Why? So you can set your mind free from the beliefs that drain and exhaust your life force.

CLICK to get insights on August 8, 2021,  Leo New Moon Forecast. 

Astro-Numerology for August 8, 2021 is:

  1. August is the Universal Month of 13, the number of manifesting through the Divine Feminine.
  2. It is a 8 Day + 8 Month + a 5 Year = a Universal 21/3 Day, a day for the realization into joy, creativity, and self-expression.
  3. Sun and Moon, your ego and emotions, are together at 16° (the number of intuitive insight) in Leo the Creative Performer, sending you the key frequency of Discord at the fear vibration, Guidance at the gift vibration, and Virtue at the highest vibration.
  4. Sun and Moon are partnering with Mercury the Mind at 23° (the number of courage and freedom) in Leo, sending you the key frequency of Intolerance at the fear vibration, Understanding at the gift vibration, and Forgiveness at the highest vibration.
  5. Together they are pointing with tension to Uranus the breakthrough planet at 14° (the number of the freedom and change) in Taurus the sign of earthly senses, sending you the key frequency of Dislocation at the fear vibration, Orientation at the gift vibration, and Unity at the highest vibration.
  6. Together they are pointing with unconventional conviction to two planets: 1] Pluto the planet of transformation at 25° (the number of intuitive insights) in Capricorn the Builder, sending you the key frequency of Psychosis at the fear vibration, Inspiration at the gift vibration, and Sanctity at the highest vibration. And 2] Neptune, saying I Imagine at 22° (the number of the Architect of Peace) in Pisces the Dreamer, sending you the key frequency of Turbulence at the fear vibration, Humanity at the gift vibration, and Compassion at the highest vibration.

What does this mean to you? What is the Leo New Moon going to do for you?

It can:

  • Create a guiding light
  • Create unity
  • Set you free

If you saw my Global Energy Forecast Calendar under my FREE Resource tab, you will know and remember that:

  • January put the light on Honorable Leadership.
  • February cast a light on Discerning Fantasy, Realism, and Sacrifice.
  • March lit the path For Freedom, Heal Judgement with Tenderness.
  • April’s brilliance was Valor, Action with Wise Adventurous Sensitivity
  • May illuminated Clear Conscious Golden Silence
  • June’s light was The Adventure of Mastering Self

This first half of the year was about seeing, letting go, and transforming. This second half of the year is about taking it to the next level.

What is the next level? To live LIFE.  To live Your Heaven on Earth NOW!

July 2021 took you to:

  • Joy’s Liberation!

Now in August 2021 the light path is:

  • Illuminating Revelations

August Forecast Calendar 2021

FREE Webinar: Analyzing Virgo 8/23/2021 @ 12 Noon PDT. CLICK to REGISTER

This Leo New Moon on August 8 is guiding you to live an empowered life. How? It is lighting the path to plant the fertile seeds to create unity through understanding and forgiveness.

In today’s story, Clasey has let go of any intolerance of self and is in the realization of understanding. As a result, Clasey can create the guiding light of forgiveness and live in unity with self.

Here is the basic signature for this 2021 Leo New Moon with the Prosperity tips to

  • Create the guiding light of forgiveness
  • Create unity and peace of mind
  • Set yourself free to live your truth

 Prosperity Path Tips:

The stars above are sending the light signature to create your Heaven on Earth. They are helping you:

  1. Create your community with the guiding light of an empowered leader using the lens of forgiveness and understanding.
  2. Breakthrough with courage and freedom to create unity by orienting your mind away from intolerance.
  3. Manifest the architect of inner peace by building your dreams with what you love and the truth of your true values.
  4. Communicate with humanity—using your mind, body and spirit—with compassion to transmute oppression and turbulence.
  5. Realize your truth shall set you free and empower your life as a creator, a transforming your psychosis with intuition and inspiration.
  6. Initiate new beginnings by stepping into what you want from inspired joy.

Has this energy forecast helped you? I hope so and please share it with a friend because they may need the help too. If you liked this signup for my Free Crystal Membership where you will receive my weekly global energy forecast for FREE as well as lots of special info that I only share with my members.

Now, if you want to learn how to “Create with Your Soul.” Hop on over to my READINGS page under the Sessions tab on my website.

For Prosperity, check out my PROSPERITY PATH page under the Programs tab.

And heads up! Coming down the path will be the Early Bird registration for PROSPERITY PATH 2022, the Global Energy for the entire 2022!

Be Well & Prosper for this Glorious 2021

Much Light & Love


P.S. Celebrating the launch of my new story, The Inside Story of Abundance! To read it, get the book The Energy of Abundance here.  😊

FREE Crystal Membership receive weekly Global Energy Forecast & New & Full Moon Prosperity Tips

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