Hi there. Francesca here from InnerBeautyHealing.US with the Global Energy forecast for the Pisces New Moon on March 2, 2022.
This is the moon of Truth, Revolution Justice.
In the skies above we have the Sun and the Moon together at 12 degrees in Pisces. This is the light of:
- Truth
- Inquiry
- Doubt
They are pointing nicely to the stellium in Capricorn. Pluto, Venus, Mars at 27 degrees. This is the light of:
- Realism
- Truth
- Limitation
The Sun and the Moon are also pointing nicely to Uranus at 11 degrees in Taurus. This is the light of:
- Silence
- Invention
- Addiction
And Uranus is pointing with tension to the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury at 19 degrees in Aquarius. This is the light of:
- Rebirth
- Revolution
- Reaction
In numerology, this is a date of 11, the Master Communication number.
So let’s put this all together. Today is a day to master your communications in your relationships, in your partnerships, in order to move out of division and into unity through the vibrations of truth, re-evolution, and justice. What you want to look at is that you want to build from a place of realism. Breakthrough the mental addictions so that you can live and breathe from a place of silence, and expand your re-evolution for rebirth, and justice.
Now if you want more personal help
Hop on over to my website and Schedule a 15-minute session

Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2022.
Much Light & Love
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