Welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s astrology forecast for July 4/5, 2020, Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – Honor Liberation.
Let me start by telling you a story. This is the story you have in your head, the voices of your Mind and Spirit in your head. It is . . .
Beauty-The Inside Story – “Honor Liberation”
“Mind, what’s the update for July?” asked Clasey.
“There is a struggle about the Emancipation Memorial in Washington, D.C. that depicts a freed slave kneeling at Abraham Lincoln’s feet,” replied Mind.
“Oh, that’s not good. Any comments, Voice?” asked Clasey.
“This is ‘Liberation Struggle,’ lost in the fear loop of provocation, limitation, dishonor, opinion and brings forth self-obsessive indifference. To Honor Liberation, build with the gift vibrations of dynamism, realism, graciousness and farsightedness. This brings forth Grace, the natural magnetic forces that support the gifts of change,” said Voice.
Are you ready to Honor Liberation?
CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation
Now, let me begin by explaining to you how to use your Cosmic Compass to walk your Prosperity Path with this upcoming July 4/5th Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of 2020.
(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one, this is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one – but want one, contact me a Francesca@InnerBeautyHealing.US and we’ll see what we can do.)
Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.
What kind of Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse light are you getting on July 4/5th? It is the light of
“Honor Liberation”
This Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the last of a series of 3 summer eclipses. It is here to set the stage for the next six months to two years for your prosperity path.
CLICK to get insights on July 4/5, 2020, Capricorn Full Moon Forecast
Astro-Numerology for July 4/5, 2020 is, it’s a:
- 4 Day + 7 Month + a 4 Year = a Universal 15 Day, a day of Spiritual Alchemy
- In other parts of the world, it is a 5 Day + 7 Month + a 4 Year = a Universal 16 Day of Awakening Invention
- Moon is in Capricorn, the Builder and the Sun is in Cancer, the Mother at 13° together they are pointing with tension to Mars at 4° and Chiron at 9° in Aries, the Warrior, forming an activation triangle
- Moon & Sun are also pointing nicely to Uranus at 10° in Taurus, the Sensualist
- Moon is pointing with tension to Mercury Retrograde at 7° in Cancer, the Mother, forming a gentle triangle
- Moon is slightly partnering Pluto at 23° and Jupiter at 24° in Capricorn, the Builder
What does this mean to you? What is the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse going to do for you?
It can:
- Breakthrough to Liberation
- Bring farsighted vision for Healing
- Bring balance to Family & Home
This is the 3rd eclipse in a row, a rare occurrence (usually there are only 2 in eclipse season). A lunar eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow and can only happen on a full moon. Why? Because it can only happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are exactly or closely aligned.
- The first eclipse was the Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June, 5th; this was the shadow of Hunger. It sent you a master spiritual alchemy code of freedom for ‘The Big Change,’ to help you build your heaven on earth.
- The second eclipse was the Summer Solstice Cancer Full Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20; this was the eclipse of Divine Grace. It was here to reset the next six months from the vibration of your attitude.
Now this third and final Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 4th/5th is to Honor Liberation. It is giving you the opportunity to reflect on Family & Home and gives you 20-20 vision and the insights to see beyond the veil of provocation, limitation, dishonor, opinion, self-obsession, and indifference. It will also help you understand how to utilize the gifts of dynamism, realism, graciousness, farsightedness, naturalness, and magnetism. Altogether, this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is laying the next six month themes for your Home & Family on how to build Honor Liberation.
Here are my three tips for this Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Prosperity Path Tips:
- Breakthrough – to breakthrough to Honor Liberation, use the tools of initiative and invention
- Heal – to heal the wounds of opinion, apply restraint and let go of stress
- Balance –when taking action, listen to your Mind, Body & Spirit and with that information, actively cultivate balance in your home & family
As I said at the beginning, I help heal emotional blocks that stop you from prosperity. I do this in the area of business, personal grown, and presence. How it works is for you to know you, your story, your inner story. If you would like help to translate Your Inner Story which can help you navigate with COVID-19, you can start by scheduling a 1:1 Your Story Astro-Numerology session. This is an Astrology & Numerology session all rolled up into one. Because of COVID -19, I am recommending the 45-minute Your Complete Story session which I am giving a 50% discount for a limited time only. Use coupon AWAKE in all caps in the redeem window when scheduling. Go to our website at www.InnerBeautyHealing.us
I study astrology at https://horo.io/ and I think that the lunar eclipse falling on the birthday of the USA seems to indicate dark times, however this reading shows that the American experiment could have a rebirth. Americans might decide to become a family again, to ignore that which divided us, and to work toward a more inclusive future. I will be rooting for that.