February 2025 Cosmic Commentary

February 2025 Global Energy Forecast & Cosmic Comentary


Happy February 2025!

This is the month for mastering through the Portal of Communication

Hello and welcome to our 2025 Prosperity Path Forecast: The Big Shift and February’s forecast, Portal of Communications.

My name is Rev Dr Trinity and together with my sister, Rev Francesca, we are spiritual guides who help you access your INNER KNOWING to guide yourself through this difficult, challenging and changing period. At the end of each month, we also hold a LIVE guidance session to help you through these disruptive times.

This February commentary and energy forecast podcast is available on our newsletter and Sound Cloud under “Inner Beauty Healing.”

To subscribe to our newsletter, go to our website: www.innerbeautyhealing.us


Shift-Shift-Shift, or Get  into Gear, Move Up and Out

In 2025, I am bringing my “Cosmic Commentary” to ground level, using the forecast to share lessons from my own life.

For me – and many of you, I suspect – this past month of January has been a “doozie,” to put it mildly.  What was put into motion from decisions made in earlier months is now moving . . . FAST. But it is FAST because EVERYTHING is taking place now during THE MOST pivotal time of change in our lifetime. This is the time of the GREAT TURN, the epoch-changing, global transformation of Planet Earth.

Now those are BIG WORDS and I’ve said it many times before. But how do I know it’s true? I reflect on my own life and KNOW it is true.

Looking back to our January forecast, it said: “You are being given the transformational energy to break through the struggles that limit you, and the guidance to realize that everything is happening for you and not against you.”

So what happened to me was just that. For those who know me, I’ve been going through several years of personal challenges, changes and growth — in my family, friends and community; my work; and where I live. I met those challenges and changes and landed on my feet . . . but in hindsight, really, in order to land on my butt, stop and take the time I needed to reflect, question, and inquire about and within MY SELF.

I’d already spent decades in self-development work, but this past month was different. I was no longer asking myself and seeking solutions for “whatever happened and why.”

Somewhere, sometime this past month, the realization came that doing so keeps me in my PAST.

I had the illusion that “finding my mistake” in the past would prevent me making the mistake again.

Sound familiar. It’s logical. But not helpful. Why?

Let me explain myself with this story.

I am taking Cha-Cha dance lessons and all the “correct dance steps” are painted on the floor with clearly marked steps, 1-10.  My eyes are on the floor, making sure my feet are following the steps. I catch my mistakes. Correct them. I succeed. Then I practiced over and over again until I didn’t need to look down on the floor anymore.

I DID the steps. But is this “dancing”??

I am stepping. Yes, in order. Counting. In time. In rhythm. To music.  Swaying hips. Smiling. With a dance partner. Maybe I’m a great dancer. Or maybe an OK dancer. Either way, looking from the outside, I look fine.

But how do I feel about my dancing?  With all this swirling around, good music and people, it was FUN!

But beneath the external signs of “fun” was me “trying hard.” Trying to get it right!

And that was my clue. “I HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT!”  Whether it is dancing, traveling, working, meeting people, etc. – I’m in my HEAD. My MIND is telling my body (including my HEART) what to do and subsequently how I am “supposed” to feel.

And this way of living — where “I HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT!” — is how we all are TAUGHT to live. In other words, there’s some “right way” outside of me that I must achieve to be happy.

But during January, I realized that I always had that “get it right” mantra in the background. Sometimes loud. Sometimes very quiet. But always there.


So back to reflecting on my PAST . . .

instead of thinking what I did “wrong,” I dropped that approach altogether. I literally replayed the past scenario in my head and instead, stepped back to “see” what the meaning of my actions and words. I saw that I was “not getting it right,” according to how others thought I should — because IT WAS ACTUALLY NOT RIGHT FOR ME.

Whatever was expected, whatever was asked of me . . . did not match my INNER KNOWING, my INNER VOICE, my INNER ME.

I had not listened to myself. I had disregarded all the clues my Spirit gave in the form of hesitations, worries and “I don’t knows.” I had held back and silently bit my tongue to quell the Truth of my internal rumblings.

So now that old history — which for me goes back some 40 years — now longer comes up and when it does, I see smiles on the faces of my “old foes.”  They are not my foes anymore. They are my teachers. They taught me that I had disregarded myself.

This is an example of what is meant when “everything is happening for you and not against you.”

So now, instead of asking, “what’s wrong with me,” I dialogue altogether with my feelings and thoughts about everything in my life — home, work, family, friends, and Life itself.

Then, when I actually feel alright inside about something, I know what to do, where to go and how to get there. Living my life is actually easier now.

And I do this NOT by thinking about it, but going with the stops and flows INSIDE me.

For example, I have the idea of calling on an old friend. Then I wonder if another  friend is still a friend. But I let these questions “simmer” in me and inevitably, one by one, I “get” answers to those questions and act accordingly.

This is the “transformational energy to break through the struggles that limit you,” as I quoted to you earlier. And this is how the GREAT TURN will unfold. It will unfold within each of us. Billions of us on Planet Earth, in fact. And all at the same time. NOW.

And if you are willing to listen, to consider a different way to “see” how things work . . . then our Mind-Body-Spirit (in other words, our unified Self) will be in the driver’s seat of our Life instead of a list of rules and shoulds/woulds and coulds.

Last month, I said that by welcoming and engaging struggle this way, you can master your integrity with honor by engaging life, spiritually.

Spirituality acts as a powerful counterforce, inspiring transformative action. And next month, February 2025, we will all get a BIG DOSE of Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding, and Tenderness through our experiences.

WE are THE GREAT TURN. Build your life from the LIGHT WITHIN, move forward and leave the chaos behind.




February 2025. Podcast CLICK HERE

To READ the Global Energy Forecast for the Month CLICK HERE

IBH February Global Energy Forecast Calendar

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Sending much Light & Love,

Trinity & Francesca


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