Inner Beauty Healing March 2025 Podcast: Reset Your Creativity

March 2025 Global Energy Forecast & Cosmic Commentary


Happy March 2025!

This is the month to Reset Your Creatitiy!

Hello and welcome to Inner Beauty Healing 2025 podcasts.

My name is Rev Dr Trinity and together with my sister, Rev Francesca, we are spiritual guides who help you access your INNER KNOWING to guide yourself through this difficult, challenging and changing period. In the podcast we also share our personal experiences of the past month to illuminate how to use the forecast in your life.

Welcome to our 2025 Prosperity Path Forecast: The Big Shift and March’s forecast, Reset Your Creativity!

This March commentary and energy forecast podcast is available on our newsletter and Sound Cloud under “Inner Beauty Healing.” To subscribe to our newsletter, go to our website:



As I said in January, this year I am bringing my “Cosmic Commentary” to ground level, sharing lessons from my own life to illustrate using the forecast for clarity to guide your life. For me – and many of you – this past month of February was “even more” disruptive, disturbing, frustrating and angering than January!

However, because I know that Planet Earth and all her inhabitants are moving through the GREAT TURN of global transformation, I was ready, willing and able to “ride” the waves of this great shift this past month.

The advice of our 2025 Forecast was: “February’s energy is about mastering communication in your relationships, primarily the relationships with yourself (mind, body, emotions, actions, dreams). It is opening the door to teach yourself Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding, and Tenderness through your experiences.”

For me, February’s focus was on my relationship with myself, especially balance between my inner Self and my outside world.

Before, I used to come home in the evenings and feel a little bit “adrift,” wondering what to do with myself. I used to think that distraction — going to the movies, getting a drink, watching TV — was a good thing because it got me out of my “funk.” Yes, those distractions temporarily took me away from feeling what was going on INSIDE me. But afterwards, the “funk” always came back.

In February

I realized that my question, “what to do” was really a question of “what to do to distract myself from my funky feelings” — which were feelings of loneliness and doubt. So with February’s cosmic energies supporting me to heal my relationships with myself, I opened the door.

As I said in earlier podcasts, I have been undergoing significant personal changes for the past five years in my where I live, what I do and in my family, friend and community relationships. By now, with my geographical move settled, I have — for the first time in my adult life — all the time and opportunity I needed to deeply rest, reflection and heal.

Yes, I’m a healer-teacher-leader and have given freely of my gifts to many for decades. But over the years, so easily and frequently, I shortchanged my own healing needs.

But the self-realization of this gap did not come readily nor were changes implemented through some “plan” to heal. It came from feeling disturbed, uneasy and unmotivated. But rather than run away, distract or dismiss those feelings, I listened and acted on those feelings.

The changes came slowly and imperceptibly at first.

I like to get books and DVDs from my local library. So in early February, following this habit, I checked out a handful of videos of current films or TV series I had not seen. I sat down to watch, only to find myself “not liking” whatever I saw. Indicative of our current politics, all the films and TV shows were about war, aggression and “good vs. bad” guys. But it wasn’t the acting nor did it make a difference whether it was an historical, fictional, animated or romantic storyline. I used to LIKE these movies.

Without any comprehension of WHY I felt the way I did, I just honored my feelings and stopped watching them. Days later, asking myself what did like, I switched instead to my favorite music — meditation music, especially anything played by 432 hz. (I’ll come back later and expIain this part.)

Soon, I found I had created a “new habit” – checking out the TV for a little while – then switching to my meditation music. In fact, I felt that me and my physical HOUSE needed and liked it so much that now I play this music all night and every night!

The next change I needed to make came easier, and was the most obvious — stop reading, watching and hunting “the news.” While there are many reasons to do so, it was feeling it in my body – especially felt in my head – was fuzziness and unsteadiness (which then led to further moments of feeling lost, forgetful and low).

By now, the difference was clear to me by what I did, saw or heard between feeling good or NOT feeling good.

So other than catching a few headlines while on my phone, I now don’t go chasing after the news. I stay informed but not on HIGH ALERT. I can know and feel there’s big problems in the world without swimming in the morass of it.


(BTW, the 432 hz frequency is called the “Miracle Tone” because it has a soothing effect on the nervous system. In metaphysics, the 432 frequency vibrates with the Golden Ratio, a pattern that unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with our biology, DNA and consciousness. I had heard this before, but now I knew it from experiencing it!)


I feel good every day, regularly and consistently.

I go up and down with the daily swings of life — money, traffic, illness, politics, etc. — but they are not hills and valleys.

In fact, I am starting to see the “new horizon” we are reaching for . . .

I “see” it in the graceful impact my individual changes effect my spirit healing work with survivors of violence, addiction and poverty, especially multiple, ancestral and inter-generational traumas.

As a result of becoming balanced INSIDE me where I follow my INNER GUIDANCE of mind-body-spirit as one, I can take in, feel and heal the deep, painful wounds from a now-even-deeper, expansive heart and mind.

By going deeply inside, touching and healing my own inner wounds, I had grown exponentially in Spirit. Now I listen, understand, appreciate and love EVERYTHING more in the world. Healing deep, ancestral wounds is not only possible, but doing so completely transforms everyone involved. I have personally witnessed these transformations in the Native people in our healing community.


For February, I said that we will all get a BIG DOSE of Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding, and Tenderness through our experiences. I got mine, especially my Tenderness. Saying kind things to myself (instead of harsh or critical things). I had to catch myself a lot in the beginning, and even when I did so, I also had to practice doing so, kindly.

So thank you, HEAVENS ABOVE. I can feel the difference in how big a breath I can take in, now. Just easier; deeper is easier too. Like enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin. It just is.

Spirituality is a powerful counterforce. It inspires and its actions lead to transformations.

It inspires and leads me.

Next month, March’s energy is about “resetting your creativity with your higher mind’s authority using the energies of peace and valor. It is sending you the energy to march forward and create for humanity what you love and the life you love to dream.”

So time to get the clarity you need to get-ready-set-and-go for YOU!

WE are THE GREAT TURN. Build your life from the LIGHT WITHIN. Move up, forward and leave the chaos behind.



March 2025. Podcast CLICK HERE

To READ the Global Energy Forecast for the Month CLICK HERE

March 2025 IBH Calendar


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Be Well & Prosper for this Glorious 2024 and beyond!

Sending much Light & Love,

Trinity & Francesca


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