Happy Taurus New Moon!
This Taurus New Moon is shining its light to realize Exquisite Humanity.
Before I get into explaining that, let’s do a quick review of the energy themes we have been moving through this year:
- 2023 is the Year of Mastery
- January was Empowering Your Mastery
- February was Master Creative Healing
- March was Freeing Control
- April was Master Freedom
Now we are in May and it is time for Creating the New Human! CLICK to Watch the Quick Glimpse Global Energy Forecast for May
On May 5th we had the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, our second eclipse for 2023. It said to go deep inside the emotions of your struggle to evolve and Unify Inner and Outer Beauty.
Now, on May 19th it is time to plant the new thoughts to manifest Exquisite Humanity. CLICK HERE to Watch the Video
- Realizing Exquisite Humanity.
- Close your eyes and take THREE deep breaths.
- Now go to your Head and imagine you bring your Head down to your Heart. Take THREE deep breaths here.
- Imagine you see an elevator. This is the elevator of your Heart Dreams.
- Watch the door open. Step inside. Push the button to Ground Zero.
- As your elevator descends count backward from 10. When you reach 0, take a breath to pause.
- Then watch the door open. As it opens you see a gift, a present. This present makes you smile. Seeing it brings to you the energy of uniting with a very old familiar friend.
- This present is your Presence and it carries your unique Exquisite Style of Life.
- Open the present and witness your brilliance. Smile, laugh, love, and welcome the intoxicating energy of you.
- Now that you have unwrapped your Exquisiteness, ask your Exquisite self to ground, grow, and thrive inside and out.
- Watch your Exquisite self smile back at you, consent, and begin to expand with the compassion of your heart.
- When you are ready, return to the elevator, press the rise button, and ascend, when you have arrived open your eyes.
You are invited to this LIVE meditation. Join me and my sister, Rev. Dr. Trinity. 
When: May 19
Time: 6:00-6:30 pm PDT
Where: Online
Click here to REGISTER.
This Taurus New Moon is here to manifest Exquisite Humanity
In Numerology:
May 19, 2023, is a 31/4 day:
- 4 is about manifestation, building new things from the ground up, and thinking inside and outside the box.
- 31 adds a genius quality of creating something unique and groundbreaking; that makes a difference and has not seen the light of day before.
In Astrology:
Taurus is the archetype of the havingness in the material world.
In the Gene Keys:
The Sun (Ego), and Moon (Feelings) are in Gene Key 8. This is the light of:
- Exquisiteness
- Style
- Mediocrity
Sun and Moon are pointing nicely to Neptune (Dreams) in Gene Key 36. This is the light of:
- Compassion
- Humanity
- Turbulence
Sun and Moon are pointing nicely to Mars (Action) in Gene Key 56. This is the light of:
- Intoxication
- Enrichment
- Distraction
Mars is pointing with tension to Pluto (Global Transformation) in Gene Key #60. This is the light of:
- Justice
- Realism
- Limitation
Mars & Pluto are pointing with tension to Jupiter (Expansion) in Gene Key #3. This is the light of:
- Innocence
- Innovation
- Chaos
What does this mean to you? How is this Taurus New Moon going to help you?
We are now in the period of creating the New Human – the human that does not live in the stunting energy of lack and limitations. This Taurus New Moon is helping you live in the realization of your Unique Exquisite New Human.
The Taurus New Moon is shining the light of the “Material Girl,” living in the “Material World” from a place of personal uniqueness.
It is giving you the opportunity to break through and release limiting actions by choosing to take actions that bring enrichment.
Why would you want to do this? So you are not distracted by the molds that create living a mediocre life.
It is time to expand your genius qualities and transform your unique life into Exquisiteness. How?
It is simple: tenderness and ownership. When you own your life, you take responsibility for your life. This means taking responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and experiences, AND at the same time, to be tender with yourself. You will naturally draw life to yourself from your genius qualities – your Exquisiteness.
Do this and we ALL partake in experiencing the radiance of Exquisite Humanity.
Do you want to know what the Global Energy Forecast is for NEXT month?
Register for the webinar
Next month’s 2023 In-Sight Calendar webinar – CLICK here
Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2023.
Sending much Light & Love,
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