Happy 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon!
This is the full moon of Bounteousness in Your Exquisite Presence!
This Sagittarius Full Moon is about:
- Seeking the truth of the Power of your Exquisite Presence.
- Realizing that all your Power for living a Bounteous life is in the Present moment.
- Experiencing this change with confidence.
Read on to learn how.
Hi there, Francesca here from Inner Beauty Healing with the Global Energy Forecast using the divination arts of Astrology, Numerology, Human Design and the Gene Keys to help you build your prosperity.
On May 23, 2024 is the Sagittarius Full Moon of Bounteousness in Your Exquisite Presence!
This is an exciting time to be All of You as your most exquisite self!
Let’s delve into the divinations to see how the star lights shine.
In Numerology this is a 18/9 Universal Day.
- 18 is a humanitarian leadership number with invincible drive and vision.
- 9 is the humanitarian warrior. It has been through the lessons of all the other numbers. As a result it has inner strength, power and intuitively understands the trials of life.
In Astrology: The Sun (Ego) is in Gemini the Twins, the sign that says, “I Think.” It is opposing the Moon (Emotions) which is in Sagittarius the Optimist, the sign that says “I Seek.”
In Human Design the Sun (Ego) is in the “Now” in the “Gate of Personal Development” working within the energy of “Being Objective.” This is a gate in the Throat, the gateway to manifestation. This is focusing the Ego on what is actually developing with yourself NOW.
The Moon (Emotions) is feeling “Prosperity” in the “Gate of Power” bringing forth the energy of “Sacrifice.” This is a gate into the Sacral, the motor that generates our Life force energy. This is working with the Emotions to know what is true prosperity.
In the Gene Keys: The key line is 3, meaning the theme is being expressed through the lens of Change with the direction towards the Energy and Experience.
The Sun (Ego) is in Gene Key #20. The light it is sharing is:
- Presence
- Self Assuredness
- Superficiality
Moon (Emotions) is in Gene Key #14. The light it is sharing is:
- Bounteousness
- Competence
- Compromise
Sun and Moon, are pointing nicely to Pluto (Global Transformation) in Gene Key #60. The light it is sharing is:
- Justice
- Realism
- Limitation
Sun and Moon, are pointing nicely to Neptune (Dreams) in Gene Key #25. The light it is sharing is:
- Universal Love
- Acceptance
- Constriction
Sun and Moon, are joining with Jupiter (Expansion) and Venus (Values) in Gene Key #8. The light it is sharing is:
- Exquisiteness
- Style
- Mediocrity
What does this mean to you? How is this Sagittarius Full Moon going to help you?
With this Sagittarius Full Moon there is light hidden in the energy of opposition. In other words the experience of tension.
Why? Because it is in the tension that we learn to stretch and move beyond, to change, to become wise.
This Sagittarius Full Moon is asking you to Seek Your Truth, to:
- Think with Self-Assuredness (confidence).
- Feel your Competence (change from Compromising your life so you can bring in the Bounteousness of your true life).
- Expand and value your own personal Exquisite style.
- Accept and Love Unconditionally your Dreams.
- Purge your Limiting thoughts.
These are the changes this Sagittarius Full Moon is sending so you can live the Bounteousness In Your Exquisite Presence.
For further info: Watch the April 23/24, 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon – Bounteousness In Your Exquisite Presence
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Click here for our Moon Meditation & Commentary Podcast
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Step into the year ahead with confidence, inner beauty, and the power to shape your destiny. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2024.
Sending much Light & Love,
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