Hi there, I’m Francesca Ordona Hollingsworth and I’m your Prosperity Path Guide to help you learn to read your Prosperity Path using the cutting edge of divination arts. And today, I am going to share with you the gateway through Astrology. And I’m going to start with Beauty-The Inside Story of this Cancer Full Moon — “Let Your Natural Radiance Shine”
“Which one is it? Pink or blue, straight or crossed?” asked Eddy. “Well it’s not white,” whispered Lizzy. Oh you mean? Ya. I mean . . . OK. Shall we . . .
That is the question. What shall we, you and I do? At every moment of the day you have choose on how you respond to the “news” of your life. With this last 2018 December Full Moon, which is pointing toward 2019, how are you going to respond to this next new year?
“How you end is also how you begin.” The truth of this adage is so clear just by looking at how one celebrates the Holiday Season. We try to create happiness and bring in joy, but instead create stress in the name of “having fun.” And the thing is this stress is a choice. It is a choice to live in the turbulent, chaotic, limiting vibration of Stress. But next year – 2019 – you’ll be getting some expansive help to go beyond that struggle.
Just as a refresher the Moon & Sun last month on November 22nd was ZERO degrees. What’s so great about that? Hint: (Luck; Restart; All in One)
And guess what? This Cancer Full Moon on December 22nd is at — YES, ZERO degrees, too! This is the second of 5 consecutive Full Moons at ZERO degrees. (Do you want to know in advance how the next 3 ZERO degrees Full Moons are going to show up for you? If you do, go to my Prosperity Path 2019 online seminar on Jan 1, New Years Day at noon Pacific time. I’ll tell you more about how to register for it at the end of the talk.)
Now, let me begin by explaining to you how to walk your path to your prosperity with this upcoming December 22nd 2018 Cancer Full Moon.
(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one. This is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t, I’ll let you know how to get one at the end.)
Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.
So what kind of Holiday light beam are we getting on Dec. 22nd? It is the light the say’s, “Let Your Natural Radiance Shine.” It carries the powerful, determined vibration of optimism that sets the expansive stage for you for 2019!

Shall we get started? Great.
The first thing is let’s look at some of the basic Numerology of the day.
- The year is 2018 = 11, Master Year of communications, relationships, partnerships
- The month of December = 12 the frequency of Self-Expression and Creativity. But it also carries the victim vibration
- The Day is = 22, Master Architect of Peace
December 22, 2018 itself is a day that the portal for Empowered Creative Self-Expression is available to you to help you build relationships that manifest the frequency of peace. Such a positive vibration during the Holiday Season!
Now let’s take a quick glance to the day before, December 21st, the Winter Solstice, the day of the longest night of the year. It is the longest day of darkness followed by the brilliant light of this Cancer Full Moon, sending a double dose of the vibration of mothering and nurturing. At the opposite end is the Sun in Capricorn sending the energy of the builder. Both Sun and Moon are at 0 degrees.
Zero is the magical number of Everything and Nothing. It unlocks the Restart Button, letting you see the seen and unseen and making available the ability to observe the positive and negative through the lens of neutrality. This is such a gift when it comes to spending holiday time with family.
Zero is giving you the power to expand with ease and calm. Why? Because it is the “God Number,” the circle that represents that we are all ONE.
Now let’s look at this more closely. The Moon, your inner voice, will pass through the gate of Magnetism highlighting the Fluorescence, the sparkle of life. If you don’t connect to this vibration it will show up as dullness, the lackluster of life. Either way the magical number of Zero is at play so your can restart, refresh by connecting to the light of your Sun.
The Sun, your outer light, the light that is lighting your identity, is in opposition in the sign of Capricorn. It is shining an intense light on YOU. Yes YOU as an individual and how you see yourself. Why? Because it is asking your Natural Radiance to Shine. Why? so you can magnetize your natural YOU. It is asking you to bring forth your Naturalness, your personal Creative Self-Expression. Why? Because that is the focus the Universe has for 2019. It is asking you to bringing forth Your Creative Self-Expression to birth your true you because 2019 = 12 = 1+2 =3, the Archetype of the Child, the Baby, New Life.
The other key planets in play are:
- Uranus at 28 degrees in Aries pointing nicely to the Sun & Moon
- Neptune at 13 degrees, Mars at 23 degrees, Chiron at 27 degrees in Pisces standing partner together pointing with tension to the Sun, Moon, and the partnership of Mercury and Jupiter in Sagittarius at 10 & 9 degrees.
What does this mean to you?
Remember Full Moons give off the highly charged energy of opposition for the purpose of moving you closer to your Life’s Purpose. That being said here is the story.
You have a Divine Opportunity to hit the restart button to get ready for 2019: The Year of Creativity, Self-Expression and Optimism. This month your outer self, your identity will be striving to connect to your Being, your natural state of being. Your Natural State of Being releases your inner magnetism. It is asking you to cast off the dull cloak you wear and breakthrough to Let Your Natural Radiance Shine. The pathway is through taking initiative and stepping forward with your power, not to stay in chaos but to move to innovation. The tensions may manifest through healing through unconditional love and wisdom. This can show up as turbulence for the purpose of connecting you to your humanity and compassion. You may doubt your dreams but if you look to your truth it can set you free. Lastly the bounty of optimism is driven by your determination to move forward into the Beauty of 2019. (Warning: Your actions will be moving towards the grace of freedom but may be experienced as dishonor.)
Here are my 3 tips to help Let Your Natural Radiance Shine as we head into 2019:
- Connect to your innocence, your inner child from a place of play and joy.
- Act graciously even through struggle, doubt and limitations.
- Reach for your aspirations by giving yourself the gift of enrichment.
Where do you go from here? We are almost at the end of 2018. Come January, we’ll be starting afresh. What does that mean to you? It means I’ll be giving my Prosperity Path 2019 Seminar!
And you really don’t want to miss this Seminar! Why? Because
Prosperity Path 2019 Seminar ONLY comes once a year.

- New Year’s Day @
- Noon Pacific Time
What is so great about this seminar?
It tells you for the Best 2019:
- Big Bounty Days
- R&R Days
- Big Impact Power Words
Can’t make it LIVE? No worries. You’ll get:
- Recording
- PDF Summary
- Calendar at a Glance
Sign up before Dec 15, 2018 and you are guaranteed:
- Complimentary 15 minute 1:1 Prosperity Path Astro-Numerology Session
- Your Astro-Numerology Chart
What’s so great about that? Besides being a value of $150, this is the first step for you to map out your own Prosperity Path. How cool is that.
Regular Price $97
Early Bird Price $27 (ends Dec. 23 @ midnight)
CLICK to Sign-up NOW.
Sending much Love & Light
Francesca oh!
CLICK the Audio to hear the full podcast with guided Moon Manifestation Meditation
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