
January 31, 2022 Aquarius New Moon: Sacrifice Addiction

Hi there, Francesca here and welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s Global Energy Forecast for the Aquarius New Moon on January 31, PDT and February 1, EDT.

This is the signature of Sacrifice Addiction.

The Sun and the Moon are working together in the Gene Key gate of 19:

  • Co-dependence at the shadow vibration
  • Sensitivity at the gift
  • Sacrificed at the highest vibration

Next to them is Saturn which is in the gate of 13:

  • Discord at the shadow vibration
  • Discernment at the gift
  • Empathy at the highest vibration

All these three are pointing to Uranus at the gate of 24:

  • Addiction at the shadow
  • Invention at the gift
  • Silence at the highest vibration

What does this mean to you?

This is the time to plant the new seeds of silence by sacrificing addiction — the addictive mind chatter that is not serving you.

Why? So that you can no longer have discord in your system, and this way you will be able to move forward into the future with discernment and empathy, and you will be blessed with the wonderful vibrations of invention from the smooth and flowing energy of silence.

Because this is Aquarius New Moon, it is a time to re-evolve and breakthrough by Sacrificing Addiction.

Now if you want help to start 2022 off brightly, join us for:


USA Pluto Return a Cosmic Review

‘I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.’ – Angela Y. Davis

Are you a truth seeker looking for answers to today’s challenges & changes, such as “Why COVID-19?”

Do you want to discover the HOW and WHY planetary cosmic forces propel social change?

If your answer is yes, you’ll want to get ready because . . .

On February 20, 2022, Pluto —the “Global Consciousness Planet” — completes a 246-year solar orbit since the USA’s founding on July 4, 1776.

When Pluto returns it dials in our destiny and it resets the Global Conscious Social Change.

What you will discover is:

  • Why the USA Pluto Return is important and how it is affecting us
  • What is its significance to the USA and the world then and now
  • How can you move with direction with this cosmic flow of social change

Join us to discuss the cosmic invisible forces propelling social change around USA Pluto Return a “Cosmic Review”.

TIME: 6:00 – 6:30 pm PDT

DATE: Thursday, February 10, 2022

You can register by CLICKING HERE.



Celebrating the USA Pluto Return

‘As above so below . That which has been, will return again. As in heaven, so on earth.’ – quotes from the Divine

On February 20, 2022, Pluto – the “Planet of Transforming the Global Consciousness” – returns for the FIRST time to where it was when the USA was founded on July 4, 1776.

This will be the day that Pluto brings us the energies of

Justice – Realism – Truth

It is an important day to celebrate with a conscious discerning visualization.

Thus, Trinity and Francesca will be holding the space to visualize your future with dynamic direction to create favorable humanitarian wisdom.

If you are a truth seeker struggling for answers to today’s challenges and changes, and have been disappointed, maybe it is time to look UP for the answers.

Join us for an hour to discuss, contemplate, and celebrate America’s Birth & Re-Evolution.

Together let’s honor the divine forces of Justice – Realism -Truth that propel fortunate social change.

  • DATE: Sunday, February 20, 2022
  • TIME: 12:00 – 1:00 pm PDT

You can register by CLICKING HERE.

Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2022.

Much Light & Love


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