Hi there, I’m Francesca Ordona Hollingsworth and I’m your Prosperity Path Guide to help you learn to read your Prosperity Path using the cutting edge of divination arts. And today, I am going to share with you the gateway through Astrology. And I’m going to start with Beauty-The Inside Story – “It’s All About Heart Listening”
“So this is rebirth?”
“My path is what? Empathy? How am I supposed to figure things out? Discernment? What’s that mean? Ohhh “Heart Listening.” I do that I’ll be okay right?”
Clasey’s mind reacted, “Why did you come here? This place will make you doubt your dreams. The rule of thumb is greed. You stay here long I’m going to go crazy.”
And so Clasey’s chaos began.
Like Clasey this is how we all begin. Traveling down the birth channel, stunned by the light, cutting the cord with discord. Breaking through into the energy of Chaos and trying to make sense of all of it.
Are you ready to breakthrough chaos with a good dose of “Heart Listening?”
Now, let me begin by explaining to you how to walk your path to your prosperity with this upcoming February 4th new moon of 2019.
(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one. This is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one but want one, contact me at Francesca@InnerBeautyHealing.US and we’ll see what we can do.
Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.
So what kind of Aquarius New Moon light beam are we getting on Feb 4th? It is the light the say’s, “It is all about Heart Listening”
It carries the powerful, vibration of Empathy – “Heart Listening.”
Let’s start by looking at some of the basic Numerology of the day.
- The year is 2019 = 12, The number of creation and self-expression. But it also carries the victim vibration
- The month of February = 2 the frequency Communications and Service
- The Day is = 4 the path of Manifesting into Matter
The Astrology is the Sun and Moon are in the sign of Aquarius the Revolutionary Freedom Fighter at the Alchemical degree of 15.
This is the 4th consecutive time we have had at 15 degrees, New Moon. Fifteen is the number of alchemy and for this month the vibration of alchemy is Empathy – “Heart Listening.”

Now lets’ look a little closer and see what other planets are in play.
The other Planets Party in play are:
- Mercury sitting side to the Sun and Moon at 19 degrees in Aquarius pointing nicely to Jupiter
- Jupiter is at 18 degrees in Sagittarius and all of them pointing nicely to Uranus
- Uranus is at 28 degrees and Mars at 23 digress in Aries
- All them Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Mars
creating a fortuitous triangle.
What does this mean to you? First thing is to be aware that pride may raise its artless head and produce chaos, discord, and doubt. If you fall into the Pit of Pride the results are feelings of constriction which activates a mind that reacts and creates distractions that keep you “Spinning your Wheels” into lack – and not abundance.
But the celestial stars above are giving you an opportunity to step out of your chaos and create your abundance. How? By connecting to your Empathy – “Heart Listening.” This will allow you the ability to detach from your expectations, specifically the expectations that create greed, limitations and shut down your heart.
This is such a lovely joyful wavelength coming to us as we near Valentine’s day. The day that celebrates Unconditional Love.
Here are my 3 tips to help you with this Aquarius New Moon which is “All about Heart Listening.”
- Use Discernment – It is your ability to judge well. Activate your subtle sensitivities to what is invisible to the eye
- Intoxication, give yourself Permission to be Intoxicated using your “Heart Listening” antidot – NOT intoxication that comes from drug therapy
- Avoid Self-Obsession – Avoid falling into the Pit of Pride. How do you do that? Avoid entering the spaces of Self-Obsession
Where do you go from here? Well, the question is . . .
Do you want to awaken out of your Chaos? Do you want to live up to your Aspirations? Is the time now for you to Ascend?
If you answered YES to any one of these questions and you are curious about the Divination Arts and how they can help you. My February 13th webinar is for you.
What’s happening on Feb. 13th you ask?
I’ll be online for 1 hour to talk about Uranus Enters Taurus – Chaos, Aspiration, Ascension
Uranus is the Breakthrough planet and very soon it will enter Taurus the sign of Money, what you Value, what you Love. What will happen when the Breakthrough planet crosses the threshold of what you Love? Would you like to know? Hint, the last time this astrological event happened was during the 1930’s Depression, just before the American Civil and Revolutionary Wars. Does that allow you a cause for concern?
It only takes a slight amount of money and a short amount of your time on February 13th to take the step to find out.
I really encourage you to register for this.
Why? What’s so great about this seminar?
I’ll be letting you know how to navigate this tremendous change by helping you:
- Avoid the pitfalls
- Align your spirit
- Strengthen your livelihood with this tremendous change around what you Love, what you Value and Money
Can’t make it LIVE? No worries. You’ll get the recording.
Regular price for this $97
But sign up before February 10, 2019 and get my Early Bird price of $47
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