Happy April 2025!
This is the month to receive Silence Guidance
Hello and welcome to Inner Beauty Healing 2025 podcasts.
My name is Rev Dr Trinity and together with my sister, Rev Francesca, we are spiritual guides who help you access your INNER KNOWING to guide yourself through this difficult, challenging and changing period. In the blog I share my personal experiences of the past month to illuminate how to use the forecast in your life.
Welcome to our 2025 Prosperity Path Forecast: The Big Shift and April’s forecast, Silence Guidance.
This April commentary and energy forecast podcast is available on our newsletter and Sound Cloud under “Inner Beauty Healing.” To subscribe to our newsletter, go to our website: www.innerbeautyhealing.us
Bringing my “Cosmic Commentary” to ground level and sharing lessons from my own life means being publicly vulnerable . . . and that is something new for me.
I am used to pointing out the “cracks, slips, contradictions and paradoxes” in life such as unfair policies, mistreatment, or abuse. While I myself have spent the past several decades revealing and healing my own hurtful and harmful experiences, March took me deeply into my past — and in some cases, beyond my current lifetime. Why? To get to their origins in me. This is the only reason, to me, why difficult memories, thoughts and behaviors so persistently continue, despite my personal efforts to release and change them. (I’ll explain more about that later.)
In March
We had the opportunity to bring forward, into manifestation, “what you love and the life you love.” I actually didn’t know the answer to that way of thinking about it, but I immediately knew what I DID NOT LIKE and the life I DID NOT want to continue living. So I started there.
And what was that? I felt I wanted – I felt I needed – to stop overworking, trying so hard and doing something “all th time.” I knew, in my mind, that stopping what was not working for me would make room for doing what I did like. So I started with acknowledging the truth of the discomforts, aches and pains in my physical body, in the first place. Then changes slowly came forward to my awareness.
For me, February’s focus was on my relationship with myself.
My Spirit-Mind-Body. That meant creating an maintaining a peaceful Inner Life and Outer Environment, to start with! So I stopped “hungrily” following the News (though I kept informed) and played calming (and scientifically proven) music as much as possible. And most importantly, my BIG DOSE of Tenderness to myself in the process just made me feel and be softer, inside and out. February’s changes got me ready for March.
By March, I was at least “hearing” my body.
The next step was to actually listen and respond to what my body really needed. But this time around, I no longer felt like “pushing” myself, as I had before. My breathing was slower and my shoulders no longer always “hunched up to my ears!”
Following the “new direction” to transform quickly and easily offered by March’s cosmic forces, the next changes were also not too hard nor scary.
It started simply. Usually after a phone call, healing session or time on the computer, I would hear my voice inside, “time to relax and calm down” . . . and so now, I just stop whatever I am doing at the time and I tell myself, “I NEED a break.”
So now I give myself the rest I need. Often times it means to get out of the house, eat, put on some uplifting music or take a nap.
In MY PAST, I had always said to myself, “Later. Later. When there’s time.”
But the time “never came!” I had to learn that my time is MINE. So . . . it’s time now to turn away from what no longer works for me — and change to: “YES, ME – AND NOW!”
Last week, for example, I noticed how the clothes I wore made me really comfortable, or not, in my body. So, I bought a long, flowing nightshirt. With no more belts or waist cinching, I felt the free-flow around my waist and hips — and liked it!
One good thing led to the other and I found myself cleaning and massaging my hands and feet — and talking to them, too! Just this morning, I realized that I so badly under-appreciated these important limbs! I really DO need them to walk and do anything. So, I nodded my head and thanked them.
Remember that I said earlier that sometimes, the healing I needed reached back in to a previous lifetime? My so-called ”habit” of working all the time and not taking care of myself developed when I was a plantation slave, constantly forced to work 16-18-20 hrs a day. When that remembrance popped into my head, I took a slow, deep breath. “No wonder why,” I said, comforting myself as I shrugged, collapsing my shoulders into me.
That “all work” habit had been. literally, beaten into me. I took another deep breath and slowly exhaled . . . an even longer deeper sigh of relief. In my mind, I sang: “Not anymore. Not anymore.”
I had lived a life of “doing what had to be done” and usually, that meant a task, or job. So I’d put my heart into it and gave it everything. It is good to do a “good job.” I was appreciated by my office colleagues and received financial compensation – though inequitable – for my efforts.
Now that I am retired from the working world.
I’m in my mid-70s with 6 decades of following this approach, I can faithfully and firmly say. . . “there’s got to be more to Life than this.”
And I realize, more so now than ever before, that I — and I believe ALL of us — have been seeking this “Good Life!” That “something” is wholesome eternal goodness itself. I feel this myself, momentarily, many times, when I observe the “good” in life, itself.
Most importantly, however, know that the opportunity to create this “Good Life” world is actually emerging under our feet, though it may not look so right now, with all the disruption and chaos spilling out in the world.
If you are reading or hearing me, however, YOU already know this transformation – this choice point – in your heart. Spirituality is a powerful force. It sheds Divine “light” on matters previously obscured by deceit, manipulation or ignorance. These realizations then lead to inspired moments and ultimately, inspired actions that lead to transformations — and the whole world is now getting mega-doses of this Cosmic Light.
This is the month to bring into matter what matters and what really only matters to you, is YOU! This is about the Silence Guidance that only you can give to yourself.
“This access point — going from your head into your heart — yields the light that nurtures from compassion, respect, humility and leadership.”
WE are THE GREAT TURN. Build your life from the LIGHT WITHIN. Move up, forward and leave the chaos behind.
April 2025. Podcast CLICK HERE
To READ the Global Energy Forecast for the Month CLICK HERE
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Be Well & Prosper for this Glorious 2024 and beyond!
Sending much Light & Love,
Trinity & Francesca
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