October 2024 Inner Beauty Healing Cosmic Commentary

October 2024 Gene Keys Global Energy Forecast & Cosmic Commentary

Happy October 2024!

This is the month for Realizing Celebration!


Hello. My name is Rev Dr Trinity and together with my sister, Rev Francesca, we are Inner Beauty Healing. We are spiritual guides and healers and we access the invisible and immaterial realm of Spirit for healing and transformation.

In today’s blog, I tell you what I “see” on the road ahead – my “Cosmic Commentary.” I do this in an effort to explain & guide you through what’s going on in your Inside and Outside Worlds. For that, I draw from what I observe in my own life, what I “see” around me and of course, the astrology forecast of the cosmic energies in motion.

If you are like me, in the beginning, I would “hear” the forecast and “get” some of it while leaving the rest to fall away in wonder and curiosity. While I have since learned much more about astrology, looking back just last month for September, Francesca’s forecast was right on the button. Under the September 2024 month’s title. Your Realized Empowerment, she wrote:

“September is the month of harvest and it is the harvest of empowerment.”

To me this time, however, the evidence was on the world stage for everyone to see. I came to this realization after watching Oprah Winfrey’s live-streamed program on September 19, 2024 “Unite for America.”

In farming, they call it a “bumper crop”  – which is a harvest that is much larger than usually expected.  And WOW! What a harvest!

While many good and important things can be said about the inspiring words spoken by VP Harris, Oprah and the star-studded political and Hollywood guests who appeared, my focus is on the AUDIENCE on stage that night.

Throughout the evening, I saw “many bright, new shoots,” multiple rows of “sturdy young trees” and in several noteworthy cases, “entire forests of full-grown and old-growth trees.” In case the meaning of my metaphors escape you, I am talking about the many tens of thousands of young, old, new, experienced and wise grass roots organizers  represented by the 400 people on stage and 140  “Zoom” participants that night.

After all, Oprah’s live-streamed program was “born” out the 44,000 Black women who joined a Zoom call to support Kamala Harris, just hours after Joe Biden dropped his presidential candidacy. Eventually, under the name, “Win With Black Women,” over 100,000 Black women joined and brought in over $2.5 million to date. Their initiative sparked pop-up Zoom calls for Harris by Black Men, White Women, White Dudes, Cat Lovers, Swiftees and Techs — over 140 different groups altogether.

In all my 55+ years of community organizing, I have not witnessed such an upsurge.  But it is not a surprise, momentary, out-of-nowhere upswing. It is a breakthrough. An organic coming together of self-empowerment by deep and wide cross-sections of the American population.

That night, I felt a “tsunami” of organizing, fundraising and political consciousness rise in strength and inspiration. Today, I see this wave of awareness, action and hope continue to build everyday. But it’s not a “utopian hope” of impossible ideals where you close your eyes and “hope” you get somewhere.

This one is a “bold hope” born out of knowing one’s destination and having the commitment, means and collective support to get there.

And where are we going? Forward and Upward. Together. Now.

And where? The New Earth!

That’s why the second part of Francesca’s September 2024 forecast was so equally prescient:

 “It is a time for leadership, courage, and actualizing your vision of the life of your dreams.”

Then, as if Oprah had read Francesca’s forecast, Oprah ended the program saying, “Now each of you listening tonight – you become your own grassroots organization and do something!”

She trumpeted a clarion call for action  – which especially these days, requires clear-headed and open-hearted leadership and courage.

That night, I asked myself, “what can I do?”  The answer was clear: “Be Me.”

What did this mean? This podcast – which in my heart and now openly stated, I am sharing the spiritual understandings and insights that undergird US and world politics and link them to the transformation into the “New Earth” we are undergoing globally.

This is something I must do. For example, I listen daily to various New Age podcasts of spiritual teachers, psychics, astrologers, and channelers. Most either skip over any controversial politics or interpret them in vague, fearful tones. I do not get any clarity from them that guides my life on the political plane.

Furthermore, almost all actively discourage watching the news altogether.  Why? Because they know their listeners are afraid.

As a temporary TACTIC, that’s OK . . . that is, if you are a little kid who hears a big noise. Yes, shut your eyes and ears and do not look! You are a kid, not mature enough to know different.

For adults, this is a BIG problem. since so much is at stake, globally, in this year’s US Presidential elections.

My point? New Age listeners are not children.  And – “not listening to the news” is an UNhealthy, STRATEGY.  It promotes STAYING in  FEAR.  FEAR stops you.  And staying in FEAR FREEZES you.  And a New Earth will not be created through FEAR nor “seemingly” AVOIDING FEAR by NOT LOOKING.

My own life experience taught me to do the opposite. Certainly, don’t be naive about the oppressive and unjust systemic & individual forces out there. But the fears being promoted now in the news are actually NOT NEW. They come visit everyday in some form or another to any person of color, immigrant, woman, queer, trans or “odd or rebellious” person.

But then, my frustration dissolved on Sep 19th after witnessing all those people networked with threads of uplifting unity and moving forward together, decisively. I know that many people shared this same appraisal.

So I end with the BEST news! From Francesca :

“October is about celebration and culmination. It is a time for wrapping things up and releasing old beliefs and items that are no longer serving you. It will be important to lead with love and compassion when letting go to begin something new. “

The NEW always comes out of the OLD. It’s a process. It”s Evolution. How smooth & clear or twisted & distorted is up to US. Evolve yourself and do your part.

To LISTEN to the full Podcast with my Cosmic Commentary, expanded October 2024 Gene Keys forecast and Francesca’s meditation to guide yourself through

October 2024. CLICK HERE

To READ the Global Energy Forecast for the Month CLICK HEREOctober Inner Beauty Healing Calendar

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Step into the year ahead with confidence, inner beauty, and the power to shape your destiny. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Be Well & Prosper for the rest of this Glorious 2024.

Sending much Light & Love,


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